Friday, March 13, 2009

Catedral de Toledo

No trip to Toledo would be complete without a visit to the city's cathedral, which effectively dominates the skyline symbolizing the city's historical prominence as the heart of Catholic Spain.

The site on which the cathedral has been the center of worship since the earliest days of the Visigothic occupation. During the three centuries of Muslim rule, however, the Visigoths' basilica was converted into a mosque, and in 1085 Alfonso VI vowed that the mosque would be preserved as a place for the city's Muslim population to worship. However, the promise was eventually broken, and the mosque was destroyed.

In its place the cathedral was constructed during the 13th century. It is primarily Gothic in its design, but it also has some mudéjar elements in its interior decoration in addition to influences from the Spanish Renaissance in the various chapels that line the church naves.

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